The early 70s of this century, Princeton University ecologist R 路 May the law in the breeding of insect groups, made a famous model: 蠂 [n +1] = k * 蠂 [n] * (1-蠂 [n ])
Where 蠂 [n] n behalf of the group, said the first number. When given an initial 蠂 [0] value, and then kept iteration, it was found with different k values to obtain the sequence 蠂n There are many interesting phenomena. When the k value is between 0 and 1 when, 蠂 [n] after a certain number of iterations have tended to 0. When the k value is between 1 and 3 hours tend to 1 / k, when k is greater than 3, after a certain number of iterative 蠂 [n] alternate between the two values change, k value increased to 3.449 near the change in value has become the turn 4. Continue to increase the k value, 蠂 [n] the number of alternate values by 4 鈫?8 鈫?16 鈫?32 in the order of the rapid doubling, and finally a chaos. But when the k value of 3.835 near, after a certain number of iterations, 蠂 [n] is simply alternating between the three values change rapidly followed by 3 鈫?6 鈫?12 of the order of rapid growth. So repeatedly, in a simple equation hides surprising complexity. 蠂 [n] with k changes as shown below:
To reflect this complex into the infinite mystery, the following small programs written using TC2.0 with 蠂 [n] size to control the PC speaker sound frequency, set different k values, we can listen to the voice of Chaos .
# Include
# Include
銆??int fMin=20,fMax=16000; /锛奻Min浠h〃鏈?綆棰戠巼锛宖Max浠h〃鏈?珮棰戠巼锛?
銆??int fDis,i,j; /锛奻Dis浠h〃鏈?珮棰戠巼鍜屾渶浣庨鐜囦箣闂寸殑宸?锛?
銆??float x=0.1,k; /锛妜浠h〃x[n]鐨勫ぇ灏忥紝璁惧畾鍏跺垵濮嬪?涓?.1锛屽嵆x[0]=0.1锛?
銆??printf("Please input The value of k(1锛?.0)n"); /锛婅緭鍏鍊硷紛/
銆??printf("If you want to quit,Please input:0n"); /锛婂鏋渒=0閫?嚭锛?
銆??if (k==0) break;
銆??for(i=1;i<100;i锛嬶紜) /锛婂幓闄ゅ紑濮嬬殑100涓偣锛?
銆??for (i=1;i<100;i锛嬶紜){
銆??x=k锛妜锛?1锛峹); /锛婅绠梮鐨勫?锛?
銆??sound(x锛奻Dis锛?0); /锛婄敤x鐨勫?鎺у埗PC鍠囧彮鐨勫彂闊抽鐜囷紛/
銆??delay(1000); }
銆??nosound(); }}
涓嶅仠鍦版敼鍙榢鍊硷紝浠旂粏鑱嗗惉锛屼細鍚埌娣锋矊涓殑鏃犻檺濂ュ銆?br />
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